Publius Autronius Paetus

Publius Autronius Paetus was a politician of the late Roman Republic who was involved in the conspiracy of Catiline.

He was elected consul in 66 BC (to serve in 65 BC), alongside Publius Cornelius Sulla, but before they could take office both were accused of electoral corruption by Lucius Aurelius Cotta and Lucius Manlius Torquatus. They were found guilty, their election was declared void and their accusers were appointed consuls in their place. Autronius conspired with Catiline to murder the new consuls, but the plot collapsed when Catiline gave the signal before all the conpirators were assembled.

Autronius was implicated in Catiline's failed conspiracy to overthrow the government in 66 BC. After his old friend Cicero refused to defend him, he was convicted and sent into exile in Epeirus. When Cicero himself was exiled in 58 BC, he was concerned that Autronius might attempt to kill him.

See also
